Saturday, December 15, 2012

My Worst Nightmare Come True & The 12 Muppet Days of Christmas

Ya know, my keys disappear from time to time.
I don't panic usually.
Having 5 dogs monkeys makes me hide them up high or in my box on my table.

But, I really, really bad about remembering where I put them.

The monkeys have stolen them in the past.
I find them in the yard or on the floor.

I reprimand myself for being so irresponsible.
But seriously, who does it harm?

I know they won't eat them.
They like to toss things in the air just for their own amusement.
I suspect it is the same with my keys.

But, yet again I see my own naivete.

Today the monkeys broke into the house while I was working.
Via the kitchen door, again.

Sure, all of them rushed me at the same time when I came in the house.
Wanting some love and absolution.
I didn't think much of it until...
I found my computer on with this video looping.

We're doomed, I tell ya.

Now, please enjoy
A bit of 70's nostalgia.


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